FTAC included in new Home Office stalking action plan

Today, a new policy document was published by HM Government, entitled Call to End Violence Against Women and Girls: Action Plan. In the section on stalking, its actions include the following:

“26. Learn from how the Fixated Threat Assessment
Centre (FTAC) operates to see how its methods of
investigation of stalking cases could be applied to
mainstream policing.
FTAC is a specialist unit that has developed considerable
expertise in the risk assessment and management of stalking of
high profile individuals, such as members of the royal family and
politicians. The unit brings together police work with
psychiatric assessments. We are looking to capture their
learning and use their techniques more widely. This will include
consideration of programmes for perpetrators which focus on
their offending and issues relating to their mental health.
Dept: HO
Timing: Paper for ACPO WorkingGroup in autumn 2011


29. Learn from how police forces in other countries
respond to VAWG and work with our police partners
to consider how effective approaches might be applied
in England and Wales.
We will also learn from the pioneering work taking place in
Melbourne to tackle stalking. We will work with FTAC to
consider how this approach might be applied in England
and Wales.
Dept: HO
Timing: Ongoing”

The full reference is:
HM Government (2011) Call to end violence against women and girls. Action Plan. London: Cabinet Office. ISBN: 978-1-84987-429-8.
The document can be accessed at:

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