International Handbook of Threat Assessment published

The International Handbook of Threat Assessment has been published by the Oxford University Press.

Edited by Reid Meloy and Jens Hoffman, this promises to be the state-of-the-art text for some years to come.

A chapter in the book gives the most detailed account yet published of the work of the Fixated Threat Assessment Centre.

A copy of this chapter can be accessed from the list of FTAC publications elsewhere on this web-page.

The reference for the chapter is:-
James, D.V., Farnham, F.R. & Wilson, S.P. (2014) The Fixated Threat Assessment Centre: Implementing a joint policing and psychiatric approach to risk assessment and management in public figure threat cases. In: J. Reid Meloy & J Hoffman (eds.) International Handbook of Threat Assessment. New York: Oxford University Press.

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